Support Us
Become a Steward of Sleeping Bear!
Preserve Historic Sleeping Bear is a 501 (c)(3) organization that partners with the park to preserve, maintain, and interpret its historic structures and landscapes to ensure that this Great Lakes history will live on and be accessible to the public. Individuals, families and corporations join Preserve Historic Sleeping Bear to protect the beauty and history of Sleeping Bear Dunes National Lakeshore.
Your membership as a Steward of Sleeping Bear makes you a partner in saving a place that belongs to you and all to enjoy today and in the future. It supports funding for preservation materials, interpretive activities and our operations. We are grateful for your financial support!
Are you ready to join? Find the Stewardship level that is right for you. Help us help the Park!
Pioneer $35
Settler $50
Homesteader $100
Tiller $250
Cultivator $500
Barnraiser $1000
Harvester $2,500
Preservationist $5,000 +
Other: __________
As a thank you for your gift you will receive:
- A subscription to our annual newsletter, The Clapboard.
- An acknowledgement letter
- Our e-news to keep you informed of our projects, activities, events, and important park issues
- 15% off of all items in the Olsen Farm History Center store.
You may also wish to consider joining as a Plowshare Member! Learn more